5 Minute Salad Dressing with Nutritional Yeast

Sari Foods Nutritional Yeast dressing and salad

Give your summer salads a vibrant zing with this quick and super easy salad dressing. Bursting with nutrition and taste, this tangy, cheesy, and nutty vinaigrette pairs well with all types of leafy greens and seasonal veggies.

Summer salads are our favorite—brightening any table with colorful rainbows of earth’s bounty.  All those fresh, ripe veggies are packed with flavor on their own, but when you drizzle on a bit of our tangy homemade dressing, you’re going to find yourself in salad heaven.

Fresh lemon juice and apple cider vinegar pair perfectly with mild, extra virgin olive oil for a refreshing summer condiment. Nutritional yeast provides the finishing touch, adding a rich cheese-like bite. Perhaps the best thing of all is that this delicious dressing can be made in five minutes, or less, using a jar with a secure lid. Sensational salads just got a whole lot simpler!



  1. Place all ingredients in a jar with a secure lid. 
  2. Secure the lid and shake vigorously until everything is well combined. 
  3. Pour over your favorite veggies and leafy greens, and enjoy! 

Store any leftover dressing in the fridge and use within one week. 

What are your favorite summer salad ingredients? Tell us in the comments below or inspire fellow foodies with your vibrant salad creations on Instagram or Facebook. Don't forget to tag us using #sarifoods for a chance to be featured on our account.

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