Simple 5 Ingredient Plant-Based Parmesan Cheese

Nutritional yeast flakes in a bowl.

If you’ve been searching high and low for a vegan cheese that can be sprinkled on just about anything, your search is over. This simple vegan parmesan cheese will satisfy your most intense cheesy cravings—and it’s super easy to make.  

For a lot of people, shifting to a vegan lifestyle can be difficult, and giving up cheese is one of the toughest hurdles to overcome. Thankfully there are plenty of dairy-free alternatives that taste surprisingly authentic and make vegan life a lot more delicious. 

The healthiest way to give up cheese is to find a good vegan recipe that you can make at home. Store-bought cheese alternatives are often loaded with synthetic additives and preservatives,  so the best way to ensure your non-dairy cheese doesn’t contain any questionable ingredients is to make it yourself. 

If you’re intimidated by all those complicated dairy-free cheese recipes online that call for a ridiculously long list of ingredients, relax. Our Sari Foods parmesan cheese is quick and easy to make and uses only five ingredients. The most important of these is an exciting secret weapon in vegan cheese creation: nutritional yeast. 

If you’re new to nutritional yeast, this delicious salty, creamy, nutty, cheesy-tasting superfood can be sprinkled on just about everything! It’s even a great low sodium substitute for salt. Frequently used in vegan cooking as a cheese substitute and for thickening sauces, this wholesome staple is also very popular in the paleo community. We’ve combined our nutritional yeast with creamy cashews, savory turmeric, and a touch of salty, garlicky yum to create a vegan cheese that will jazz up all your favorite entrees and side dishes.  



  1. Process all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor. Blend until everything is broken down and a coarse powder texture forms. 
  2. Place in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to a month. 

It's as simple as that!

Peace, love, and cheesy goodness from the Sari Foods family. 

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